Taken from the Seattle PI Friday, November 14, 2008
Natural solutions to Man Made Problems. I think nature has taught us a lot and is probably holding the answers to most of our environment concerns. Occam's razor will undoubtedly prove its point again and again. It seems "Rocky" does.
Cesar has been extremely disturbed with the state of the World Wide Web of late. He is certain that Katie is drunk with power.
She thinks she's the leader but this video shows that she's just a follower.
Finally the truth is EXPOSED !!!
As for her rules... Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!
See what I have to put up with. Bossy little girl who thinks the axis of the world drops straight down through the top of her big ole head. Insanity propagated and supported by the sick twisted freak I call Dad. Come on Dad you know your the reason for her delusions. Will you ever stop feeding the little wench's fantasy's??? I have little hope for that.
At least Mom loves me.
To all my fans (both of you) thank you for your undying support and continued prayers. This place is a NUT HOUSE!!!