Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Small Businessman's Thought's...

The following was written by a contractor/small businessman that I know. He seems to make some good points for us all to think about. Enjoy.

Just a few thoughts.... hang in there with me for a minute or so....please read.... and yes this should be construed as political or maybe naive.

The number one reason that any size business fails is lack of capital. FACT

The number one reason that keeps new creative ideas & products from hitting the marketplace is lack of capital. FACT

The number one reason that businesses don’t expand and create more jobs is lack of capital. FACT

Wealth is invested in all spectrums of our society. This is invested in start-ups, Stocks & private investments, Venture capital, bonded investments for public works and capital improvements, Research and development, Donations and contributions for medical research. Banks use an equation involving average daily balances for business loans and other credit capacity of all kinds. Credit card companies have wealth that guarantee and complete spontaneous transactions all over the world instantaneously. Without large pools of money, these things would not exist. Life as we know it would not exist. People and groups that have wealth are our friend no our enemy. Jobs do not come from the bottom 1/2 of our social economic system, wealth creates jobs for them. And has the available lending for new ideas, new businesses, and ventures.

The very fabric of free enterprise is having the determination, initiative and drive, to be innovative, and to find access to capital to follow through on great ideas, developing viable solutions to needs, in the form of goods and services.

Capital invested in these ideas creates jobs.

And yes some taxation and government services are needed and are sound uses of our tax dollars.

Working hard, saving and investing, and taking calculated risks, creates wealth..... Not hand outs.

If Wealth is a mass of money, it does not exist if you break "it" up in to small portions of money. In the act of cutting it up we completely redefine what "it" is, and "it" is no longer wealth, therefore redistributing wealth is impossible. If we take wealth and destroy it by blowing it up into smaller pieces and send it off in small pieces, or we make it go away, it can no longer be what it once was, wealth. And at this time we have not considered the cost of the government agencies and staff that would have to be in place to demolish and handle the distribution of this destroyed wealth in small enough pieces and to give it away and account for it. The act of the distribution in and of itself would be a diminishing event that would change the defined wealth even before the redistribution.

Just like if you had a commercial jet plane that cost $50mil and cut it up into 100,000 pieces and mailed them out to the unfortunate, they would not have a commercial jet, they'd have a little piece of aluminum. So it would be with wealth.

If you took a cow and chopped it up into 100,000 pieces and mailed it out they wouldn't have a cow, they'd have a little piece of meat. So it would be with wealth.

Let's for example "take and redistribute" & $500,000,000,000 to 200 mil people, each person that would say, receive an average check of 2,500 dollars, would that person have wealth? No. Now multiply this times ten for ten years later, would $25,000.00 be wealth? Nope , still not wealth. More than likely they would have a new TV, or dining room table, sofa or whatever, that amount would never be considered wealth.

In that scenario we would have successfully destroyed $ 5 trillion dollars worth of wealth , and potential capital investment pools, over ten years. That would have created countless, literally countless jobs for American families.

So how can anyone say with a straight face that we are redistributing the wealth? The very act is DESTRUCTION OF WEALTH not redistribution of wealth.

Is there a campaign that is very deliberately creating class warfare and wrongfully giving false hope to buy votes?

You can answer that question for yourself.

I personally don't know where I fit in both candidates’ tax plans, and my families economics are changing daily.

I don't have much in the way of formal education, however I think that I'm on to something here and would love to hear any one's rebuttal.



1 comment:

Desomniac said...

I think that this is a very narrow minded view point. Small business fail if they are unable to develop a market for their goods or service, regardless of their capital investment. The wealthiest Americans aren't a large enough market for all small businesses to succeed. By giving tax breaks to the lower and middle class you are increasing the amount of money they can spend with these small businesses, and providing a larger marketplace for their business.